Additional Learning Needs

Hafodwenog school additional learning needs coordinators are Mrs Eleri Dufty and Miss Lleucu Phillips.

See our policies section to read our ALN Policy.

The careful planning of a differentiated curriculum ensures that each pupil takes part in activities best suited to their ability. Regular monitoring of the pupils’ progress enables teachers to plan appropriate activities. Planned activities / universal provision will support some pupils and will stretch others in order that all achieve their full potential.

At times some pupils will face more significant problems, where extra help will be required. If extra support is needed the school will contact the parents by telephone call or letter, inviting them to discuss the provision of additional lessons with the ALNCo (Additional Learning Needs Coordinator). If it is decided that a pupil needs a statement of special educational needs the school will maintain close contact with the parents and work with them and any necessary external agencies.

Information on the new ALN bill

ALN Factsheet

IDP Booklet

Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal Act (ALNET 2018) 

The system for supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disability in Wales is changing. The Welsh Government is bringing in a more flexible and responsive system to meet the needs of children with special educational needs or disabilities.  

The new system will ensure that: 

  • Needs are identified early, addressed quickly and all learners are supported to reach their potential.  
  • Our professionals are skilled and confident in identifying needs and using strategies to help learners.  
  • The learner is at the centre of everything we do and they and their parents and carers are equal partners in their learning. This is called a Person Centred Approach. 

The new system will be brought in gradually over the next few years (2021 -2024) in accordance with Welsh Government guidance. Here are some of the key messages about these changes and what they may mean for you and your child.  

  • The current graduated system of Early Years/School Action, Early Years/School Action Plus and Statements is being replaced over the course of the next 3 years. All children and young people with an identified additional learning need (ALN) that requires additional learning provision (ALP) will have an Individual Development Plan (IDP). The IDP will replace Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Statements of SEN.  
  • Most Individual Development Plans will be the responsibility of the school but in some circumstances, they may be maintained by the Local Authority. IDPs for children under compulsory school age, who require them, for example in the early years will be the responsibility of local authorities. 
  • The Act expects that everyone involved with your child e.g.  Childcare settings, Education, Health and Social Care will work in collaboration to support children and young people with ALN. 
  • There will be increased opportunities for children, young people, parents and carers to contribute to Individual Development Plans. 
  • It is expected that working together more closely should help to avoid disagreements. 

All reasonable steps will be taken to ensure additional learning provision will be provided in Welsh, if required.